Feed your soil with food waste

The first draft of our food waste fermentation and composting advice is available and we’d love some feedback to nature@readingcan.org.uk whilst the graphically capable amongst us make it look pretty for the real thing. Does it help? What’s unclear?

Climate Change and Class – Interview with Chris Beales

This is a reposting of my final interview with the wonderful Ayo Sokale. Ayo asks me to talk about ‘Climate Change and Class’, which is a subject of real concern to me. Underlying this question is the issue of Climate Justice, particularly the disproportionate impacts that climate change will have on more vulnerable communities. We …

Rewilding Reading

You ‘ve probably noticed that Reading Borough Council is leaving a number of grass verges and roundabouts to grow longer this year rather than having their normal 6-7 cuts a year. This is part of their commitment to the climate action plan and biodiversity action plan, but monitoring is needed to review the impact of …

Renewable Heat & Heat Pumps webinar 6th August

Interested in installing air source heat pumps in domestic buildings? Then join this free zoom seminar from Bath and West Community Energy on 6th August at 7pm. For more information about the speakers and to register for this event go to https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/renewable-heat-and-heat-pumps-tickets-112789386090