Consultation on protecting trees and woodland

DEFRA proposes  four new measures designed to increase transparency and accountability in the process of felling street trees and to strengthen the Forestry Commission’s power to tackle illegal tree felling.

Two of the measures introduce new duties on local authorities: a duty to consult on the felling of street trees and a duty to report on tree felling and replanting.

A third policy suggests the production of best practice guidance to support local authorities in drawing up, consulting on and publishing a Tree and Woodland Strategy.

The fourth measure is intended to give the Forestry Commission more powers to tackle illegal tree felling and strengthen protection of wooded landscapes.  

This consultation seeks views on these measures and their implementation and is open until 28th February

If you don’t want to read the whole document, then perhaps make representations through the woodland trust website that has a suggested set of responses to some of the issues,1CX21,8ZNDLA,4G981,1

Tawny Owl Surveying: help needed

The British Trust for Ornithology is commencing two tawny owl surveys this summer to assess distribution.

The first, the tawny owl point survey,  starts in August and asks people to adopt one of many 2 km squares selected across the country, stand in the centre on two nice evenings roughly one month apart, and estimate owl territories. Reading is not on the survey, but there are many squares to survey around Wokingham (and nice pubs for afterwards)

The second one, the tawny owl calling survey, starts at the end of September and simply asks you to listen out in your own garden for tawny owls.

You really don’t need any previous knowledge to do either of these surveys as the instructions on the BTO website are very very clear. Please have a go.